Thursday, January 21, 2010

We REALLY Do Learn Something New....

every single day.

And I, for one, am amazed at all that I learned today! Here is what I remember of it all:

There is a medical treatment called glutathione IV therapy that has been used for several years in treating patients with Parkinson's Disease. My apologies for the use of the words "several years" but no amount of Googling on my part resulted in a concrete and certain year in which doctors began using such treatment for Parkinson's or any other disease, for that matter.

Because of glutathione's super-antioxidant powers in restoring balance to the various chemicals in the brain and its abilities in aiding chelation of heavy metals out of the human body, glutathione IV therapy has caught the attention of doctors who treat autism by means of biomedical treatments and it has become quite popular in the last few years. All of this totally makes sense, as any family doctor or pediatrician even worth speaking to now knows to no longer advise parents to give Tylenol or any acetaminophen-containing drug to a child just prior to vaccinations due to the fact that it is a glutathione-depleting substance. And when you deplete gluathione, you compromise the immune system. And when you compromise the immune system, you invite heavy metals to make themselves at home in the human body. Not a good thing.

I won't even get started on the vaccines themselves. But hey, suffice it to say that whether or not you believe vaccinations play a role in certain children's autism, if you are a parent who is still vaccinating your child, Tylenol is not something to give your child before going to your pediatrician's office for his or her weekly monthly routine jabs. I'm just sayin'.

To learn more about glutathione therapy in children with autism, go to Autism Recovery Treatment. If you would like to learn more about how destructive acetaminophen is to your child's immune system or if you just plain don't believe me on this, go to The Glutathione Experts where you can find article after article detailing studies conducted on the effects present when glutathione and acetaminophen do a dance.

More autism-related stuff. What can I say....I talk to a lot of parents of children with autism on a daily basis and I also spend a lot of time poking around online checking out things. Sometimes it applies to our situation. Sometimes not.

Today I learned a little about hyperlexia. I had heard of it before. Didn't know much about it. Apparently, one of my autism friends' son has a diagnosis of hyperlexia. Simply put, the kid was able to read at two-and-a-half years old. Pretty amazing, huh? That's all I got. Wanna know more? Let Wikipedia explain it to you.

Let's talk about veggies, shall we?

I have never in my life eaten celery root. Well, not that I am aware of, anyway. Don't know what it tastes like. Wouldn't know how to prepare it to save my life. But....I hear it's really good. So next time I see it as an option for my Farm Fresh delivery, I will get some and then I will go to Allrecipes or Recipezaar and figure out what to do with my little veggie treasure.

And on to something totally off the wall....

A child's gender awareness begins in the first year of life. Gender awareness is how a child sees himself or herself, as in, as a boy or a girl. Other than these simple facts, I am totally ignorant regarding trans-gender facts and lingo. If you would like to learn more, check out TransYouth Family Allies. Don't even ask how I came about this information in the strange passing of my day's a long story and this has been a long day.

Oh wait, I mean yesterday. I'm only two hours into this day.

And last but certainly not soon-forgotten, yesterday I learned that if I sway my arms as though I am pretending to be a bird or an airplane, Reiss says that it means "slow-motion." Because Miss Julie said so.

If you are reading this, I hope I haven't put you to sleep but that is exactly what I should be doing so....buh-bye!

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