Saturday, October 9, 2010

Apparently, I Am Older Than God

Or so Reiss thinks, anyway.

All this week, Reiss has been asking me questions about elephants:

"Is an elephant bigger than Kong?"

"Would an elephant eat as much as you weigh, Mommy?"

"What would an elephant do with it saw a mouse?" This is not a typo. Reiss almost always uses the word "with" when he means to say "if."

"Do you weigh as much as an elephant, Mommy?" I am terrified he may ask this to someone out in public, and as my luck would have it, it will invariably be directed at someone who is rather large.

Reiss has been asking questions about God for a couple of weeks now as well. This generally happens right after he has watched a few minutes of a Veggie Tales dvd but has occurred at random, out of the blue, times too. For instance, I picked him up from his social skills playgroup one afternoon and he asked, "Is God higher than the sky?"

I had to quash my urge to laugh and reply with "Well, I hope God is not high at all." That one I kept to myself and instead of telling him the truth - that God is all around us - and encouraging mass confusion and a long series of other difficult-to-answer questions, chose to go with the explanation that no one knows where God is.

This morning we were eating breakfast and Reiss asked, "Is God seventy?" to which, my response was a simple "No."

Reiss thought about this for a moment and then came, "Mommy, did you come before God?"

So now I am trying to decide which is worse: to be older than God (because that is really old!) or to weigh more than an elephant.

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