Friday, April 2, 2010

Are you wearing BLUE today?

If you are wearing blue today, your choice of attire may have been determined by one of a few things:
  1. You are a basketball fan and are rooting for one of your favorite teams in the NCAA Final Four by wearing their colors.
  2. You work at Best Buy and your "choice" was not a choice at all for you.
  3. You are a smurf, and again, have no choice but to wear blue.
  4. It is the color that popped out and said "Wear me!" this morning when you dragged yourself into the closet from the shower.
  5. You are wearing blue for World Autism Awareness Day.
Or, possibly, you are simply wearing blue for another reason. Even if you are not wearing blue, I'd like to bring to the attention of anyone reading who is not already aware that April is Autism Awareness Month and today, April 2nd, is World Autism Awareness Day. In honor of today, many people are wearing blue, although, I have also heard of wearing purple on this day as well.

If you read this blog very often at all or if you know me, you know Autism Speaks is not at the top of my list of favorite charities doing work for autism and if you know me even better, you know why that is the case. But having said that, I would like to share a site sponsored by Autism Speaks called Light It Up Blue. Check it out - I think you will agree, the photos are spectacular and some are downright inspiring, even if many of the goals of Autism Speaks are different than my own.

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