Friday, June 26, 2009

Finally Friday!!!

It's finally Friday and under normal circumstances, that is a good thing. However, considering I have not gone to the grocery in almost two weeks, who knows what we will be eating this weekend. I could sneak out after dinner and leave my husband to oversee tonight's pool party, of which the guest list only includes Reiss, Milla, my husband, our plastic kiddie pool, and possibly our neighbors if they should happen to be outside and come over for a visit, but browsing the grocery on a Friday evening is not my idea of fun. Taking a stroll through the grocery on a Saturday morning or Saturday evening does not sound terribly appealing either so what it comes down to is choosing the lesser of the two evils. I think I'll go tonight. Who cares about vegetables and healthy foods, we are almost out of chocolate and that is not a good thing.

And speaking of the lesser of two evils, I'm not sure which is worse: attempting to potty-train one child who is becoming increasingly adamant about not wanting to use the potty and prefers to "finish it up in the Pull-Up" or having a twenty-month old who wants to potty-train at a time when I haven't gotten her older brother trained yet. Neither one seems like an insurmountable hurdle but when you add the two together it equates to me spending an unusually large amount of my tv-watching and bon-bon eating time in the bathroom with either one or both children sitting on the potties. And yes, we have a plural number of toddler potties in the bathroom. Add to the frustration that they are not alike in design or colors and the result is often two toddlers with pants around their ankles fighting over who is going to sit on which potty chair. These are indeed the joys no one tells you about before you have children.

In other news, I am kicking myself right now because Reiss said something so incredibly funny this morning that he almost had me in tears I was laughing so hard. I took a mental note to remember what it was so I could blog about it this afternoon, but alas, my memory just isn't what I wish for it to be and I have no humorous story to share. We were reading some book of theirs when it happened and I do remember which book it was so perhaps I'll get it out to jolt my memory later when my breast isn't hanging out and serving as a human pacifier to a sleeping toddler. Yes, I'm that way. If she falls asleep and I'm sitting at the computer reading or typing, there she stays. She's happy. I'm happy. And most important, she is asleep. So I'm a bad parent....who isn't?

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