Agent Orange & Dioxins: the Most Toxic Chemicals Ever Produced
Almost nothing positive can be done for humans poisoned by these dioxins.
When poisoning of our Nam Vets first started showing up in the 1970’s the Army Medicos told the troops it was just “jungle rot” from living in the tropical rain forests. After all, their clothes and shoes were literally rotting off their bodies.
I don’t know how soon deaths were occurring from these but certainly these deaths were concealed from the general public. I got into the subject area by accident. In my regular medical practice I had some Viet Nam Vets whom then felt they were not getting adequate care at the VA Hospitals. After all jungle rot can be relatively easily treated because it is a fungus but fungus treatment didn’t work.
Thousands upon thousands of Nam Vets were exposed to and absorbed these dioxin chemicals into their body fat where they started doing their damage.
They are severely damaging to the DNA/RNA chains in the body and the damage is progressive. They are virtually indestructible by bacteria et cetera and in the human body they persist and continue to damage cells and cause many kinds of cancers.

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