Rally against Monsanto planned in Salem on March 26th
he "Millions Against Monsanto" rally is a nation-wide event scheduled for Saturday, March 26th. A central rally will occur on The White House Sidewalk in Washington DC, with several simultaneous demonstrations across the country. Rallies are planned for Los Angeles, Indianapolis, Kansas City, and Atlanta, among other major cities.
Monsanto is a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation based in the United States. Monsanto is the creator of the herbicide Roundup; co-creator of Agent Orange; creator of synthetic bovine growth hormone rBST; and is the world's leading producer of genetically engineered seeds. Monsanto's disturbing track record has made them controversial throughout the world.
G. Michael Eakin is helping to organize the rally in Salem, Oregon. According to Eakin, the purpose of these rallies is to increase awareness about genetically modified organisms (GMO) and send a clear message to elected officials.
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