Even though we have been grieving our disabilities, the illness or death of our father, and the collapse of life as we knew it, we must fight for equal rights for the Children of Male vets.
Veterans Affairs, currently offers a monthly stipend, educational benefits, and health care, to the above mentioned groups. Meanwhile, the widows of male Vietnam Vets (whose death has been service connected due to his exposure to Agent Orange) struggle to take care of adult Children who are permanently disabled by birth defects on this list.
There was no family history of my birth defects or my friend’s birth defects. I was born two months premature, without my right leg and several of my fingers. I am missing my big toe on my left foot. The rest of my toes were webbed and had to be surgically altered. My Father DIED due to his Agent Orange exposure. The VA admitted my father’s death yet my birth defects are denied.
Who knows what the lifespan of the male offspring will be…our lives, our health, our future is unknown. How do I explain that to my two little boys?

Agent Orange Legacy is mobilizing to fight for the services, support and rights for the children of Vietnam veterans exposed to agent orange and their families.
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