Thursday, March 31, 2011
Light It Up Blue? No, Thank You!
Sounds like a really noble cause, right?
Well, before you head out to the local Home Depot (or anywhere else) and plunk down a few bucks for those blue lightbulbs, let's take a look at the organization behind the Light It Up Blue campaign.
The motto for Autism Speaks is "Autism Speaks. It's time to listen." They are correct - at a rate of 1 in 110 (according to the Centers for Disease Control's average - although many research organizations will quote the rate being more frequent than that) children being diagnosed, with boys being four times as likely as girls to be diagnosed, yes, it is indeed time for someone to start listening. But for whom is Autism Speaks speaking? And to who is Autism Speaks listening? Is it those who are affected by autism? Or to those who line their seemingly very deep pockets?
Autism Speaks raises millions and millions of dollars per year - to the tune of around forty-five million dollars in 2009. But where exactly does all that money go?
Charity Navigator is a non-profit organization whose mission is to facilitate intelligent charitable contributions by providing factual, unbiased information on charities based on their financial efficiency. Charitable organizations found on Charity Navigator are evaluated based on the IRS Statistics of Income. In other words, the information found on the Charity Navigator website is based in large part on a charity's IRS reportings.
With that said, one can compare how Autism Speaks rates in comparison to other large, well-known charities. Let's start with location.
Autism Speaks has chosen some prime real estate for their New York City office, but in order to hide the fact that their main office is located on Park Avenue, they apparently rely on those of us outside of New York City to be unfamiliar with which streets intersect others. On their website, Autism Speaks lists their main office address as 1 East 33rd Street. The Charity Navigator website lists the Autism Speaks address as 2 Park Avenue. Someone obviously has their information incorrect here. Or do they? According to Google maps, guess which street intersects at 1 East 33rd Street? Park Avenue! Call it 33rd Street if you want, but that is Park Avenue, baby!
A charitable organization on Park Avenue? Really? Autism Speaks couldn't find a suitable office space in a less expensive location than one that rubs shoulders with the likes of HSBC Bank (one of the world's largest banks with assets close to 200 billion dollars) and credit card giant Chase Bank?
Let's talk revenue versus expenses. As I mentioned earlier, in 2009, Autism Speaks reported revenues of roughly forty-five million dollars. Their expenses were over forty-three million dollars. Those incredibly poor financial statistics earned them an overall rating of one out of a possible four stars by Charity Navigator for their Efficiency Rating.
Even not-for-profit organizations have to pay their employees and executives. We cannot expect people to be so giving to go out and perform a highly stressful job without compensating them, but how does Autism Speaks rate? How much does the average executive working at a non-profit organization make per year?
Since it wouldn't be fair to compare salaries alone due to factors such as an organization's location and cost of living for that location, it is better to compare the differences in relation to what percentage of an organization a particular executive's salary takes up, as does the Charity Navigator website.
To compare the salaries of the two executives listed by Autism Speaks on the Charity Navigator website to other non-profit executives, I picked three charities certainly everyone has heard of: American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Even the salary of American Heart Association's former executive director and CEO who weighed in with the highest salary (again, based on percentage of the organization's expenses) of the three organizations - a salary equal to 0.17% of the organization's yearly expenses - does not come close to the 0.93% of expenses Autism Speaks paid out to Dr. Geri Dawson, Chief Science Officer. American Red Cross paid their execs salaries equal to an average of 0.01% of their expenses and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital's highest paid listed executive made just 0.08% of their overall expenses.
If I could just go off on a tangent here (because it just wouldn't be right for me to bring up the name of someone involved in the science behind autism without mentioning vaccines), Dr. Dawson seems a bit confused, herself, on the vaccine stance that Autism Speaks has notably taken over the years. Autism Speaks has held strongly to the belief that vaccines and autism cannot possibly have any link to one another, yet, Dr. Dawson contradicts herself in an interview conducted with her in 2009.
A few snippets from the interview: She stated, "It remains scientifically plausible that the challenge to the immune system resulting from a vaccine (or other immunological challenges) could, in susceptible individuals, have adverse consequences for the developing brain."
She goes on further to say, "Evidence does not support the theory that vaccines are causing an autism epidemic. However, it is plausible that specific genetic or medical factors that are present in a small minority of individuals might lead to an adverse response to a vaccine and trigger the onset of autism symptoms."
I'm sorry, but isn't admitting that individuals who experience an adverse response to a vaccine that triggers the onset of autism symptoms very similar to saying that, had those individuals not received vaccines, they would not have had the adverse response that ultimately triggered the autism symptoms?
So where else does all that money go that Autism Speaks raises every year? It does not go to individuals or families affected by autism and they have no problem admitting to that fact. In their own words, Autism Speaks states "Autism Speaks does not award grants to individuals or fund an individual or family for participation in personal programs."
So again, I ask, to whom is Autism Speaks listening? It sure isn't my family. If they were listening to me, they would practice some common sense frugality by moving their offices to somewhere with less notoriety than an address that probably 90% of the world's population has heard of. If they were listening to me, they would pay their executives less money and get someone in there who can work out a better ratio of revenue to expenses. But most importantly, if they were listening to me, they would put families first. If one of their main objectives is to bring awareness to autism, why not expand that awareness to the devastating financial effects autism has on families and assist them in a more direct financial way?
As far as Autism Speaks speaking, they certainly do not speak for my family either as they have done nothing for my son. Sure, they bring awareness to autism but at a very obviously high pricetag. And who needs awareness at a price? My family is very aware of autism on a daily basis....for FREE!
U.S. & CANADA: Organic grower suing Monsanto
A Prince Albert-area organic seed grower is one of six Canadian plaintiffs suing Monsanto in federal district court in New York over the legality of the U.S. crop science company's patents on its genetically modified (GM) seed.
The action was filed Tuesday by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT), a U.S.-based non-profit legal services organization, on behalf of the Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, which represents 270,000 organic producers, as well as other plaintiffs from Canada and the U.S.
But Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, which represents 18 organizations opposed to GM foods, said organic producers cannot be guaranteed Monsanto won't sue them in the event of contamination.

U.S. & CANADA: Organic grower suing Monsanto
A Prince Albert-area organic seed grower is one of six Canadian plaintiffs suing Monsanto in federal district court in New York over the legality of the U.S. crop science company's patents on its genetically modified (GM) seed.
The action was filed Tuesday by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT), a U.S.-based non-profit legal services organization, on behalf of the Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, which represents 270,000 organic producers, as well as other plaintiffs from Canada and the U.S.
But Lucy Sharratt of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, which represents 18 organizations opposed to GM foods, said organic producers cannot be guaranteed Monsanto won't sue them in the event of contamination.

MONSANTO: "Family-scale farmers desperately need the judiciary branch of our government to balance the power Monsanto is able to wield."
The plaintiffs, who represent over 270,000 individuals, hope that the courts will step in where the government has failed to act. "Monsanto and the biotechnology industry have made great investments in our executive and legislative branches through campaign contributions and powerful lobbyists in Washington," said Mark Kastel of the Cornucopia Institute, an advocate for small, organic farms, and one of the plaintiffs. "Family-scale farmers desperately need the judiciary branch of our government to balance the power Monsanto is able to wield."

MONSANTO: "Family-scale farmers desperately need the judiciary branch of our government to balance the power Monsanto is able to wield."
The plaintiffs, who represent over 270,000 individuals, hope that the courts will step in where the government has failed to act. "Monsanto and the biotechnology industry have made great investments in our executive and legislative branches through campaign contributions and powerful lobbyists in Washington," said Mark Kastel of the Cornucopia Institute, an advocate for small, organic farms, and one of the plaintiffs. "Family-scale farmers desperately need the judiciary branch of our government to balance the power Monsanto is able to wield."

VVA President Warns: Don't Balance the Budget on Veteran's But Do Focus on How the VA Spends the Funding it gets
Of particular concern, Rowan said, is the lingering legacy of Agent Orange. "We are alarmed for our children and their children who present with birth defects or learning disabilities never before seen in the father's or the mother's family history," Rowan said. "We need research into the long-term effects of toxic exposures, and just as importantly, we need treatment and care for the progeny of veterans exposed to a toxic fog in a combat zone."
VVA President Warns: Don't Balance the Budget on Veteran's But Do Focus on How the VA Spends the Funding it gets
Of particular concern, Rowan said, is the lingering legacy of Agent Orange. "We are alarmed for our children and their children who present with birth defects or learning disabilities never before seen in the father's or the mother's family history," Rowan said. "We need research into the long-term effects of toxic exposures, and just as importantly, we need treatment and care for the progeny of veterans exposed to a toxic fog in a combat zone."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
HEATHER BOWSER, AO Legacy Member - The children of Male Vietnam Veterans have officially been added to the “Deny until they die list.”
Even though we have been grieving our disabilities, the illness or death of our father, and the collapse of life as we knew it, we must fight for equal rights for the Children of Male vets.
Veterans Affairs, currently offers a monthly stipend, educational benefits, and health care, to the above mentioned groups. Meanwhile, the widows of male Vietnam Vets (whose death has been service connected due to his exposure to Agent Orange) struggle to take care of adult Children who are permanently disabled by birth defects on this list.
There was no family history of my birth defects or my friend’s birth defects. I was born two months premature, without my right leg and several of my fingers. I am missing my big toe on my left foot. The rest of my toes were webbed and had to be surgically altered. My Father DIED due to his Agent Orange exposure. The VA admitted my father’s death yet my birth defects are denied.
Who knows what the lifespan of the male offspring will be…our lives, our health, our future is unknown. How do I explain that to my two little boys?

Agent Orange Legacy is mobilizing to fight for the services, support and rights for the children of Vietnam veterans exposed to agent orange and their families.
HEATHER BOWSER, AO Legacy Member - The children of Male Vietnam Veterans have officially been added to the “Deny until they die list.”
Even though we have been grieving our disabilities, the illness or death of our father, and the collapse of life as we knew it, we must fight for equal rights for the Children of Male vets.
Veterans Affairs, currently offers a monthly stipend, educational benefits, and health care, to the above mentioned groups. Meanwhile, the widows of male Vietnam Vets (whose death has been service connected due to his exposure to Agent Orange) struggle to take care of adult Children who are permanently disabled by birth defects on this list.
There was no family history of my birth defects or my friend’s birth defects. I was born two months premature, without my right leg and several of my fingers. I am missing my big toe on my left foot. The rest of my toes were webbed and had to be surgically altered. My Father DIED due to his Agent Orange exposure. The VA admitted my father’s death yet my birth defects are denied.
Who knows what the lifespan of the male offspring will be…our lives, our health, our future is unknown. How do I explain that to my two little boys?

Agent Orange Legacy is mobilizing to fight for the services, support and rights for the children of Vietnam veterans exposed to agent orange and their families.
GEORGE CLAXTON: Was there a reason to not grant compensation for other birth defects?

In 1981 the Veterans Administration published their "Review of Literature on Herbicides, Including Phenoxy Herbicides and Associated Dioxins". Volume 3 concerned the review on birth defects from herbicides. On pages 185 and 186 the following is stated:
"The results for TCDD in particular and to a lesser extent for 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D in a manner of nonhuman species are cumulatively so compelling that it is difficult to believe that humans might not be susceptible to the reproductive effects of these compounds. The two most satisfactory studies were those of applicants in New Zealand and Vietnam Veterans in Australia. These are negative overall, but both give the suggestion that exposure of the male parent to Agent Orange might be associated with heart defects."
The VA has already granted compensation for spina bifida in the children of Vietnam Veterans whose fathers were exposed to Agent Orange and dioxin. Was there a reason to not grant compensation for other birth defects?Could the problem of funding be a consideration factor?How about protection of industry? If the answer is funding, why is there no question of funding when this country is going to war? The irony is obvious. If the answer is protection,the answer becomes diabolical. Ask yourself why the veterans in Canada are suing Dow and Monsanto for exposure to dioxin laced herbicides. This action was taken because of the Canadians exposure in Gagetown, New Brunswick.
I rest my case.
Faithfully submitted,
George Claxton

GEORGE CLAXTON: Was there a reason to not grant compensation for other birth defects?

In 1981 the Veterans Administration published their "Review of Literature on Herbicides, Including Phenoxy Herbicides and Associated Dioxins". Volume 3 concerned the review on birth defects from herbicides. On pages 185 and 186 the following is stated:
"The results for TCDD in particular and to a lesser extent for 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D in a manner of nonhuman species are cumulatively so compelling that it is difficult to believe that humans might not be susceptible to the reproductive effects of these compounds. The two most satisfactory studies were those of applicants in New Zealand and Vietnam Veterans in Australia. These are negative overall, but both give the suggestion that exposure of the male parent to Agent Orange might be associated with heart defects."
The VA has already granted compensation for spina bifida in the children of Vietnam Veterans whose fathers were exposed to Agent Orange and dioxin. Was there a reason to not grant compensation for other birth defects?Could the problem of funding be a consideration factor?How about protection of industry? If the answer is funding, why is there no question of funding when this country is going to war? The irony is obvious. If the answer is protection,the answer becomes diabolical. Ask yourself why the veterans in Canada are suing Dow and Monsanto for exposure to dioxin laced herbicides. This action was taken because of the Canadians exposure in Gagetown, New Brunswick.
I rest my case.
Faithfully submitted,
George Claxton

MONSANTO: Organic farmers sue, seek protection from Monsanto
Organic and conventional farmers have always feared contamination of their supplies by the biotech crops, and those fears have grown as the U.S. government continues to approve more biotech crops.
"This case asks whether Monsanto has the right to sue organic farmers for patent infringement if Monsanto's genetically modified seed should land on their property," said Dan Ravicher, executive director of PUBPAT, a nonprofit legal services organization, which filed the suit in federal court in the southern district of New York.
Ravicher said co-existence is not possible for organics alongside Monsanto's biotech crops and said it was in Monsanto's financial interest to eliminate organic seed "so that they can have a total monopoly over our food supply."

MONSANTO: Organic farmers sue, seek protection from Monsanto
Organic and conventional farmers have always feared contamination of their supplies by the biotech crops, and those fears have grown as the U.S. government continues to approve more biotech crops.
"This case asks whether Monsanto has the right to sue organic farmers for patent infringement if Monsanto's genetically modified seed should land on their property," said Dan Ravicher, executive director of PUBPAT, a nonprofit legal services organization, which filed the suit in federal court in the southern district of New York.
Ravicher said co-existence is not possible for organics alongside Monsanto's biotech crops and said it was in Monsanto's financial interest to eliminate organic seed "so that they can have a total monopoly over our food supply."

DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS: VA Extends Post-Incarceration Health Care
“There’s hard evidence that lack of access to health care, including mental health care, for newly released inmates is a factor in people becoming homeless or returning to prison and jail,” said Jim McGuire, director of VA’s Veterans Justice Outreach Programs. “These are Veterans who otherwise qualify for VA health care."

DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS: VA Extends Post-Incarceration Health Care
“There’s hard evidence that lack of access to health care, including mental health care, for newly released inmates is a factor in people becoming homeless or returning to prison and jail,” said Jim McGuire, director of VA’s Veterans Justice Outreach Programs. “These are Veterans who otherwise qualify for VA health care."

Veterans Association of Sailors of the Vietnam War: A Veteran's Worst Enemy

Veterans Association of Sailors of the Vietnam War: A Veteran's Worst Enemy
So the real lie here is blaming the DVA for the demise of the Agent Orange bill not once, but twice, because of it's estimates of potential claims resulting in a $27 billion bill.

Veterans Association of Sailors of the Vietnam War: A Veteran's Worst Enemy

Veterans Association of Sailors of the Vietnam War: A Veteran's Worst Enemy
So the real lie here is blaming the DVA for the demise of the Agent Orange bill not once, but twice, because of it's estimates of potential claims resulting in a $27 billion bill.

Retired medic seeks answers to cancer questions
Mike Seese was stationed at Camp Lejeune for years as a Navy medic. He retired in 2006, got married and moved to Garner, where he and his wife planned to start a family.
Seese said he went to a doctor to have his vasectomy reversed and learned he would never have children.
"I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. What they found was I also had cancer of the bladder," he said. "When you get surprised with something like this, with two cancers, it changes your life."
Donna Seese said she feels like she has to fight for her husband, noting "he just sort of shut down."
"We've been hit really hard with this, not only emotionally but in financial ways," she said.The military has denied many of their medical claims, so the couple pays most bills for treatment themselves.
U.S. Sens. Richard Burr and Kay Hagan are backing legislation to provide care for veterans and their family members who have experienced health problems because of Camp Lejeune's contaminated well water.

Retired medic seeks answers to cancer questions
Mike Seese was stationed at Camp Lejeune for years as a Navy medic. He retired in 2006, got married and moved to Garner, where he and his wife planned to start a family.
Seese said he went to a doctor to have his vasectomy reversed and learned he would never have children.
"I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. What they found was I also had cancer of the bladder," he said. "When you get surprised with something like this, with two cancers, it changes your life."
Donna Seese said she feels like she has to fight for her husband, noting "he just sort of shut down."
"We've been hit really hard with this, not only emotionally but in financial ways," she said.The military has denied many of their medical claims, so the couple pays most bills for treatment themselves.
U.S. Sens. Richard Burr and Kay Hagan are backing legislation to provide care for veterans and their family members who have experienced health problems because of Camp Lejeune's contaminated well water.

The USS Everett F. Larson (DD-830) is not on the Agent Orange List yet.
The USS Everett F. Larson (DD-830) is not on the Agent Orange List yet
No one has filed a claim based on service aboard this ship, and that must happen first before the regional office will request deck logs.
According to the official Navy history site and the unofficial ship history site (see below), there are no statements related to docking or inland waterway service for this ship. Veterans can always contact the National Archives directly to request deck logs and include them with their claim for benefits:

The USS Everett F. Larson (DD-830) is not on the Agent Orange List yet.
The USS Everett F. Larson (DD-830) is not on the Agent Orange List yet
No one has filed a claim based on service aboard this ship, and that must happen first before the regional office will request deck logs.
According to the official Navy history site and the unofficial ship history site (see below), there are no statements related to docking or inland waterway service for this ship. Veterans can always contact the National Archives directly to request deck logs and include them with their claim for benefits:

Think twice before you eat modified crops
Still laughing? Here's another joke: The head of the FDA is a former vice president from Monsanto, the same company that gave us Agent Orange and PCBs.

Think twice before you eat modified crops
Still laughing? Here's another joke: The head of the FDA is a former vice president from Monsanto, the same company that gave us Agent Orange and PCBs.

CAMP LEJEUNE LEGISLATION: S. 277 - Caring for Camp Lejeune Veterans Act of 2011

S. 277 - Caring for Camp Lejeune Veterans Act of 2011
To amend title 38, United States Code, to furnish hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care to veterans who were stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, while the water was contaminated at Camp Lejeune, and for other purposes.

CAMP LEJEUNE LEGISLATION: S. 277 - Caring for Camp Lejeune Veterans Act of 2011

S. 277 - Caring for Camp Lejeune Veterans Act of 2011
To amend title 38, United States Code, to furnish hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care to veterans who were stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, while the water was contaminated at Camp Lejeune, and for other purposes.

Does Monsanto (NYSE:MON) Have Too Much Pull With The Government
Food and Drug Administration has approved GMOs for consumption, but controversy remains because of Monsanto’s close political ties with government regulating agencies. One current issue is the Obama administration’s appointment of Michael Taylor, a former Monsanto lawyer who served as the corporation’s vice president of public policy.

Does Monsanto (NYSE:MON) Have Too Much Pull With The Government
Food and Drug Administration has approved GMOs for consumption, but controversy remains because of Monsanto’s close political ties with government regulating agencies. One current issue is the Obama administration’s appointment of Michael Taylor, a former Monsanto lawyer who served as the corporation’s vice president of public policy.

VIETNAM: American veteran plays music for AO victims
“As long as I’m still alive, I will continue raising fund to help poor people in Quang Ngai and share the pain of AO victims,” said Roy Mike Boehm

VIETNAM: American veteran plays music for AO victims
“As long as I’m still alive, I will continue raising fund to help poor people in Quang Ngai and share the pain of AO victims,” said Roy Mike Boehm


Senate designates Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day
The U.S. Senate recently passed a resolution to honor veterans who served in Vietnam by designating March 30 as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.

“Our soldiers served honorably and bravely in Vietnam,” Burr said. “Unfortunately, they arrived home to a country in political turmoil, and never received the recognition they deserve. By setting March 30 aside as a day to focus on our Vietnam veterans, we can show our unified gratitude for their service and the sacrifices that these veterans made on our behalf.”


Senate designates Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day
The U.S. Senate recently passed a resolution to honor veterans who served in Vietnam by designating March 30 as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.

“Our soldiers served honorably and bravely in Vietnam,” Burr said. “Unfortunately, they arrived home to a country in political turmoil, and never received the recognition they deserve. By setting March 30 aside as a day to focus on our Vietnam veterans, we can show our unified gratitude for their service and the sacrifices that these veterans made on our behalf.”

Northern Ireland Trust Breaches Obligation to Autistic Child
28 March 2011
His parents funded support for three years until they ran out of money.
They claimed there was a breach of duty under the Children (NI) Order 1995.
The child, now aged 10, and the trust cannot be identified for legal reasons.
The court heard how no assessment of the boy's development was conducted from his birth until 2009.
No services were offered either, apart from occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy.
The boy's parents were informed by a social worker of the availability of respite services but declined to use them.
In 2005 they became aware of the Centre for Early Autism Treatment (CEAT) and an Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) it provided.
The programme was delivered by trained therapists from November 2005 to April 2009 at a total cost of £38,391.15 to the parents.
They were said to have continued funding it because of perceived positive developments in their son.
When it ceased because they could no longer afford to pay for it, they began extensive correspondence with the trust seeking support funding for an ABA programme or comparable services aimed at maximising their son's life skills and minimising disruptive tendencies.
The trust responded by carrying out an Understanding the Needs of Children in Northern Ireland (UNOCINI) report which concluded the child could benefit from respite support services.
It noted that the parents agreed with a recommendation for 20 hours a month of direct payments for respite support.
However, the family became dissatisfied and alleged that the UNOCINI assessment was limited to such care.
They claimed it failed to address their child's needs in developing positive life skills and discouraging disruptive behaviour.
Granting a declaration in the judicial review case, Mr Justice McCloskey said the trust breached its obligations by failing to assess the needs of a child in need, and provide services designed to minimise the effect of his disabilities and the opportunity to lead as normal a life as possible.
Nicholas Quinn, of McEvoy Sheridan Solicitors, who represented the family, said the parents were satisfied with the outcome, but also disappointed that proceedings were necessary to ensure their child secured his legal entitlement.
He added: "The outcome of the proceedings represents a clear vindication of the parents' decision to bring the proceedings before the court.
"The declaration should now be considered carefully by all the health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland to ensure that children who the law recognises to be in need receive the necessary services according to their individual assessed needs." "
There are more than a number of issues and unanswered questions arising from this article:-
1. Which Trust did this happen in, why the secrecy?
2. What support was provided to this family and child from the ABA provider (CEAT) and from the Education Board after the family had spent all of their money? For their £40,000 spent, were the parents trained up enough to carry out the program themselves? There are ABA trained employees within various education boards. Did they fulfill their obligation and step in to help educate this child? What about those parents who don't have £40,000 to spare? Why couldn't the Education Board provide what this child needed?
3. If you have been forced to buy private services from an autism intervention provider you too, may have a similar case and be able to sue your local health trust or education board for dereliction of duty!
4. Why do parents have to go to the High Court and spend their life savings in the private sector, in order to educate their children?
The very 'precious' attitude of so-called autism 'professionals' out there has got to stop. The negative attitude of Northern Ireland towards ABA or any early intensive behavioural intervention (EIBI) for children with autism is a result of fear and ignorance on the part of 'professionals'. They don't know now to provide ABA (aren't trained) and its far easier to criticise it, or just tell you, the parent, that your child has autism and throw their hands up.
They will continue to do this and they will continue to persuade you to believe your child doesn't need intensive autism specific evidence based teaching until you, the parent challenge the system here that believes your child is not capable of learning or does not 'need' such interventions. (despite the rest of the world saying your child does need them.)
Instead, what you may receive here is a watered down TEACCH program, with no supervision, no evidence, no measurement and potentially, very little success for your child. Or worse, your child's teacher will tell you 'we use what works', whatever that means. You will be told by teachers who have taken a five day course in TEACCH, that they are fully qualified to teach your child and address his core difficulties. You won't ever get an explanation of what those difficulties are or how they will address them, you will just be 'assured' with great hyperbole and enthusiasm. Your child's teacher may tell you, 'as long as s/he is happy.' When you ask the teacher how they prove this or that 'works', the subject will quickly change.
It's just not good enough. You won't find out how inappropriate TEACCH is until your child turns 18 and is still living at home with you, with no hope of an independent life. Those same teachers who 'taught' your child with TEACCH will say, 'sure didn't your child have autism? What did you expect?". Good question though, what do you 'expect'? What are the expectations you have for your child? Clearly the parents in the article have high expectations and went into serious debt in order to fulfill the expectations they had for their son. All parents have high expectations for their children but over time, so many parents are beaten down by others and their negative attitudes and it all can become just too difficult to fight anymore. There will always be someone around who will enable you, to convince you to accept the crumbs on offer.
In fact, there are plenty of people you meet every day including other parents and professionals who may be lying to you, who have invested in the lie that your child will not achieve, will not live independently, will not learn, will not have a job, etc etc. Parents whose own children have suffered the irresponsible 'treatment' plans of ill-trained speech therapists and teachers might be feeling guilt and anger about their own children, when they see other children doing well and children who have received the best interventions. It must be painful for some parents to read the article above, knowing that the parents of this child fought for what they believed their child needed. How is it that some parents with a child who have autism will fight all the way to the High Court for their child and others will accept what is offered them?
It's a safe bet that if you fight for the right to ABA or another intensive intervention program for your child that there will be parents and professionals who will try to dissuade you. What is it about the parents in the article that made them fight in the first place? What do they know that many of you may not know?
There are professionals out there, speech therapists, paediatricians, teachers who consider themselves 'experts' who haven't read a new piece of research in years, who are stuck in a rut, who don't have the time to engage in new thinking, and whose egos would be dented should someone suggest that the children they work with might be helped in a 'better', measurable and scientific way.( the way, what exactly does a speech therapist do and why are they involved with our children? Our children's social communication difficulties do not fall into the remit of speech and language!)
Yet, you can't stop progress and the article above is testimony to that. Northern Ireland is slowly moving forward, finally. If you are a parent, I strongly urge you to stop listening to those people, be they parent or professional who don't believe in your child and who won't or don't support you in finding the best way to help him/her or who use money or the lack of money as an excuse to not help your child.
Maybe we should start identifying the people in our children's lives who are truly helpful and also those who are damaging them, sometimes on purpose, sometimes through sheer ignorance. Plenty of those 'damaging' and enabling people will give you sympathy when your child is 18, living at home and can't tie his shoes. How many of them will encourage you now though, to help your child to be the very best he or she can be with the best interventions and education programs available?
If you really thought about this, you might find yourself crossing some names off of your Christmas card list. You might, however, be helping all those children who will be diagnosed in the future. They deserve an appropriate education delivered in a way that a child with autism can understand and use. Applied Behaviour Analysis - it's nothing to be afraid of. I think that those who deny it to children in Northern Ireland, truly do know what it is, and they deny it based on the high cost of delivering it.
In my opinion ABA/EIBI needs to be classed as a medical intervention. It needs to be absorbed and taken away from the private providers and offered by the education boards to any family who wants it. Families should not have to use their life savings. Our children have to stop being someone else's commodity or excuse for inaction.
It's going to happen, eventually, so I suggest to the Health Trusts and to the Education Boards to get your affairs in order and prepare for an onslaught of empowered parents who are not going to take no for an answer where ABA is concerned. Parents shouldn't be expected to re-mortgage their homes to pay for private ABA providers. ABA can be taught in homes and in schools just as easily as some of the other so-called 'autism interventions' like TEACCH, etc.
ABA needs to come 'out of the closet', it's not rocket science and once you get past the jargon and the often deliberate obfuscation of very simple concepts, (aka good parenting) any parent could potentially run an ABA program and live the program in their daily life with their children. Parents will and have spent every last penny they have in the belief that what they are buying will help their children. Health Trusts together with Education currently waste incredible amounts of money on useless autism awareness courses for parents, few of which supply a parent with real tools to help their children learn or tools to help teachers teach our children. If your child was diagnosed with cancer (don't like this analogy but it serves a purpose here) you wouldn't be expected to pay £40,000 for treatment. We have politicians duly elected by the democratic process who have passed laws protecting and enshrining your child's rights in law. Our children have the right to a full and happy life like any other child. Why is this right more a privilege for the well heeled where our children are concerned?
As an aside, where is the much lauded Autism Bill in all of this? The bill will enshrine nothing, will guarantee nothing and when it passes certainly will not be securing your child an appropriate education or intervention model. There is no money for autism and no amount of autism bills will legislate forking out £40,000 per child for ABA.
As a parent, you are the change and plenty of you out there are effectively advocating for your children. Where autism is concerned, it will only ever be parents who bring in positive change.
For the rest of you, please remember that no one will come knocking on your door to provide your child with a selection of educational options. You have to demand it, you have to argue your child's case for it. All of our children and the children of the future are counting on you. The alternative is ....what?
If you want to know more about Applied Behaviour Analysis and want to be a parent/educator in ABA see PEAT (Parents Education as Autism Therapists) It's Northern Ireland based and it's a charity. You can become a member, and even join their committee. If you want ABA for your child, PEAT is your first port of call in Northern Ireland.
More resources for Applied Behaviour Analysis:
"Let Me Hear Your Voice", a wonderful book about ABA, providing real resources for setting up your own
home-program - by Catherine Maurice:
Free materials to help your child learn social communication through Verbal Behaviour, The Mariposa School:
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
MONSANTO: If consumers knew their foods were derived from genetically engineered ingredients, NO ONE WOULD BUY THEM.

“If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it,” said Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, in a 1994 article in the Kansas City Star.
On January 27 the USDA announced it will allow planting of genetically modified alfalfa without any restriction or labeling requirements. This means you could be drinking milk that contains genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) but you won’t know it because there is no law that says the label has to tell you.
The US organic agricultural system requires a paper trail from seed to shelf so that there’s proof a product is organic. Now, organic producers are at huge risk that their organic seed stock will become polluted by GMO alfalfa and other pollinating GMO crops, including GMO corn and sugar beets, significantly threatening their ability to produce certified organic products.
You can do something to help stop this. I urge you to call your Congressperson, Senators and the President and ask them to require the labeling of GMO ingredients in foods.
To reach your Congressperson and Senators call the US Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and the switchboard operator will connect you with them. Then call President Obama at 202-456-1111.
We need to speak loudly on this issue or we will lose our ability to know what we are buying.
Here in America, the pro-biotech lobby has been very successful in that there is no labeling requirement at all for GMO ingredients in foods. As a result, most consumers don’t even know that GMO ingredients are in 80% of conventional grocery products, and that virtually 90% of all the corn, soybeans, cotton and sugar beet crops in the U.S. are from GMO seed.
Their success is a direct result of violating the consumer’s right to know regarding labeling of what is in their food.
There is more than enough science to show that eating GMO’s is associated with infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, allergies, diabetes, testicular atrophy, liver toxicity and changes in major organs in the gastrointestinal tract, including impaired digestion and odd tissue changes in the stomach and intestines that could predict cancer.

MONSANTO: If consumers knew their foods were derived from genetically engineered ingredients, NO ONE WOULD BUY THEM.

“If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it,” said Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, in a 1994 article in the Kansas City Star.
On January 27 the USDA announced it will allow planting of genetically modified alfalfa without any restriction or labeling requirements. This means you could be drinking milk that contains genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) but you won’t know it because there is no law that says the label has to tell you.
The US organic agricultural system requires a paper trail from seed to shelf so that there’s proof a product is organic. Now, organic producers are at huge risk that their organic seed stock will become polluted by GMO alfalfa and other pollinating GMO crops, including GMO corn and sugar beets, significantly threatening their ability to produce certified organic products.
You can do something to help stop this. I urge you to call your Congressperson, Senators and the President and ask them to require the labeling of GMO ingredients in foods.
To reach your Congressperson and Senators call the US Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and the switchboard operator will connect you with them. Then call President Obama at 202-456-1111.
We need to speak loudly on this issue or we will lose our ability to know what we are buying.
Here in America, the pro-biotech lobby has been very successful in that there is no labeling requirement at all for GMO ingredients in foods. As a result, most consumers don’t even know that GMO ingredients are in 80% of conventional grocery products, and that virtually 90% of all the corn, soybeans, cotton and sugar beet crops in the U.S. are from GMO seed.
Their success is a direct result of violating the consumer’s right to know regarding labeling of what is in their food.
There is more than enough science to show that eating GMO’s is associated with infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, allergies, diabetes, testicular atrophy, liver toxicity and changes in major organs in the gastrointestinal tract, including impaired digestion and odd tissue changes in the stomach and intestines that could predict cancer.