The only photo we have of James at the wedding yesterday is one in which he is about to say something and as a result, makes him look angry. In it, Milla is also crying and Reiss is actually looking at the camera. Go figure...At any rate, it wasn't a good pic so it's not on here.
The 9:30 a.m. wedding that I went on and on about on here on Friday was actually supposed to be a 9:45 a.m. wedding that ended up being closer to 10 a.m. The wedding and reception hall were out in the middle of nowhere. Seriously, I kid you not when I say that we were stuck behind a combine that was wider than both lanes of the tiny little country road we were travelling on for a few minutes on our way to the wedding.
If our country is ever invaded, that place is where I want to be, as we were barely able to find it ourselves - I'm sure someone invading isn't going to find it. The directions were wrong. Yes, they were wrong. It was not that we were wrong. The directions were wrong and said to turn on a road that didn't even exist. Amazingly, we still got there and on time.
The bride and groom not only wrote our children's names on the invitation, but also encouraged us to bring them when we saw them recently, stating that, "There will be tons of kids there." There weren't. There were no children Milla's age and maybe three who were Reiss's age, two of whom were in the wedding itself. By the time the wedding got started, Milla was "over it" with all the waiting and so she and I got up and walked around. Luckily, we were in the back row and the wedding was outside so doing so was not a disturbance or anything tacky. Not long after we got up, James and Reiss did so as well.
I didn't get to see any of the wedding. James got to see a few minutes of it. We then waited for the wedding party to come into the reception hall. More attendees began coming into the reception hall and we were all waiting. We waited. And waited...and waited...and waited. Meanwhile, the DJ told everyone to go ahead and help themselves to the breakfast buffet (it was now after 11 a.m. and James and I had had nothing to eat at all). So we all did and we waited for the bride and groom to come in to sit at the wedding party table. And we waited and waited and waited. And waited some more.
They never came in and finally I asked my sister-in-law where they were and she said they were doing the wedding photos. Okay....great. But seriously, I have never been to a wedding where it took so incredibly long. And if I sound like I think this event was all about me, I don't mean to. It's just that when you go to a wedding you typically think you're going to at least see the bride and groom at their own reception, right?
Finally, a little after 12 p.m. Reiss and Milla couldn't take being there any longer so we said our good-byes to the family members around us and went outside to leave. As we were walking to the parking lot, I saw my nephew (the groom) and told him we were sorry that we had to leave. He said that they were still doing photos and he was sorry they were not inside yet.
I'm not sure which I was more shocked by....the fact that the photographer was taking so many photos OR that the reception hall (I was told) was supposed to be emptied out by 12:30....meaning the bride and groom would not even get to be at their own reception because they needed to be out of there before they were even done doing all their photos.
Whatever. I wished I had gotten a sitter to watch Reiss and Milla. Perhaps I would not have been so frustrated by the getting lost getting to the middle-of-nowhere reception hall, the fact that there were no children there after all, the fact that we had to leave before getting to see the bride and groom....blah, blah, blah.
I'm sure it was a wonderful day for the bride and groom. They both looked awesome in their wedding duds and what little I did get to see of them, they looked very happy together on their big day. The bride wore an unconventional tea-length cut dress. It reminded me quite a lot of the many photos I have seen of 1960's brides with their something-other-than-full-length dresses and wavy styled hair.
It really was a good day....I don't want to sound like I'm raining on their parade. But I am glad it's done and I no longer have to worry about being lost in the Indiana countryside with combines blocking the road in front of me and banjo music playing behind me.
And in case anyone is wondering, Pancake Saturday became Pancake Sunday this morning, if only for today.
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