A few weeks ago, my husband and I had a -very rare for us - "Date Night." Our version of Date Night is different than that of most couples we know and would most likely constitute "Lame Night" in their opinions, but it worked for us and we had a good time. We went for a quick dinner at a new Asian buffet and then on to shopping for a kitchen table, which can be seen in a photo a few posts down from this one. While getting the table, we also picked up two microfiber (besides leather, a parent's best choice in fabric) beanbags for the kids....although I think I get more fun out of them than they do.
Reiss and Milla rough-housing on the beanbag chairs.
Awww.....They are so sweet together when they're not trying to clobber one another.
A rare moment caught on camera with both of them looking at the camera.
Milla working at the office. She loves to type away on Baby Type.
Okay, don't any of my "Raw" friends get excited that another has joined your ranks. I do see the health benefits of eating so much produce but I enjoy most of my food cooked. Unfortunately, I'm a hot food kind of gal - always have been. The above photo is my first attempt at a "Groovy Green Smoothie." I don't know if this is the proper term but I abducted it from Green and Crunchy. My version was very simple in comparison to most raw smoothie recipes I have seen. My version: half a blender full of kale, five strawberries, small handful of frozen raspberries, and a very ripe banana. It was good but I have to admit that it was better when I drank without looking at it. That green color is one hard pill to swallow.......
How can anyone say low-carb dieting is unhealthy? Is this beautiful or what? My dinner last night: steak fajitas on a bed of organic mixed greens and homemade organic guacamole. It was so good. This is the kind of food that makes me actually want to diet.
Yesterday, we promised Reiss we could go look at the firetrucks. Unfortunately, that didn't happen because he kept doing things to get in trouble. As is so often the case, timeouts were totally ineffective so we had to go one step further. His last infraction of pulling Milla's ponytails was the straw that broke the camel's back and his chances at seeing the firetrucks. He had one heck of a meltdown but we had to let him know there are consequences. He was pretty decently behaved this morning so we decided to take him to see the firetrucks. The fire station close to our home is very accomodating and welcomes us anytime we go.
Milla standing in the ladder truck.
Reiss looking in the "mirror" door of the ladder truck.
Reiss with one of the masks on, sitting in the back of the ladder truck.
If I didn't know better, I'd think he was posing but in reality, this was taken while he was in action.

Yesterday, we promised Reiss we could go look at the firetrucks. Unfortunately, that didn't happen because he kept doing things to get in trouble. As is so often the case, timeouts were totally ineffective so we had to go one step further. His last infraction of pulling Milla's ponytails was the straw that broke the camel's back and his chances at seeing the firetrucks. He had one heck of a meltdown but we had to let him know there are consequences. He was pretty decently behaved this morning so we decided to take him to see the firetrucks. The fire station close to our home is very accomodating and welcomes us anytime we go.

It was a fun morning and we praised him up one side and down the other for being such a big boy and being so well-behaved at the fire station.
Thank you, Greenwood Fire Department!!!
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