VVW Presented Evidence to Institute of Medicine (IOM) of connection between Agent Orange and glioblastoma
Eileen Whitacre, Agent Orange Liaison for Vietnam Veteran Wives presented evidence to the Institute of Medicine at their open session Dec.16th 2010. The evidence Ms. Whitacre presented shows a connection between Agent Orange and glioblastoma.
In a letter written to Secretary Shinseki, Ms Whitacre writes that she has made available a report, to the Secretary, showing the various cancer rates in Australian Vietnam Veteran population.
Ms. Whitacre, points out, in a letter to Secretary Shinseki, the following statistics in the report:
table one on page 3: brain cancer rates 5.60 times higher than civilian populations, pancreas cancer is 7.7 times higher and all diseases of the digestive system 2.10 higher.Ms. Whitacre also noted that the Institute of Medicine routinely uses this statistical data from this cohort in the “Agent Orange Report”.
In the letter to the Secretary, Ms Whitacre also askes that service connection be granted for all, of the above, cancers to all Vietnam Veterans as soon as possible.

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