I have not talked to you in over a year, but I want everyone to know that my mother has finally been approved for DIC. My dad died of urinary bladder cancer caused by jet fuel and agent orange, which is not on the presumptive list.
We were continually denied and then I found a wonderful lawyer named Jill Mitchell who does nothing but veterans cases. She found an oncologist that checked my dad’s files.
The oncologist says that jet fuel causes bladder cancer.Dad was a navigator and was stationed at Phu Cat in Vietnam . Her website is http://fight4veteransrights.com/.
After 4 years my mother is finally getting what she deserves from the VA.
One thing we found out was that if the spouse has turned 75, they send the case to Washington D.C. where a judge decides the case, quickly.Please let everyone know so that they too may get the help they need.
God Bless the veterans

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