Sunday, November 21, 2010

Who Has Time for Boredom?

Really, I cannot even begin to comprehend how anyone can ever be bored. Yet, almost daily, this friend or that one on Facebook will post a status update either straightforwardly declaring such boredom or implying such with the indecisiveness of which activity to take on at any particular moment. I guess that is only one difference between myself and some of my Facebook friends: Some people use Facebook as a form of escape from boredom. I use it as a form of escape from my endless to-do list.

Right now, I am using my blog to escape my to-do list. And since I have little to write about, I will bore others with the details of my to-do list.

On my to-do list for this week, I need to.....

Tie up any loose ends for people on my family's Christmas gift list. It used to be for a long time that I was really great about having all our gifts purchased before Thanksgiving. That was B.C. (Before Children) This year has been a year of change though, and I am vowing to have that shopping done before Thanksgiving again. Unless absolutely necessary, I detest setting foot in stores between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Get all our goodies together for Thanksgiving, Rounds 2 & 3. Round 1 came yesterday evening when we had James' mother over for dinner. It was supposed to be Thanksgiving but we had roast. I thought I was receiving a fresh organic turkey from our produce delivery service this past Friday. I was going to receive it on Friday, prep it that evening, and then roast it all day on Saturday. Much to my surprise, our turkey arrived Friday afternoon rock solid. It is now resting in the garage refrigerator and - by my estimations and according to Google - will be just about ready for roasting on......Wednesday. Round 2 of Thanksgiving will be Wednesday and Round 3 will be on, you guessed it, Thanksgiving.

Clean out my SUV. Who am I kidding? This has been on my to-do list for months. I did go get the oil changed on Wednesday. That's progress, right? Even if I did only do so for the few moments of peace and the Starbucks self-serve machine at the dealership...

Tackle the paper monster that grows and shrinks and grows and shrinks on my desk. On a positive note, it does indeed have a home on the desk now, rather than the kitchen counter where, until recently, it resided for several months.

Call the phone company to disconnect all the added features on our home phone. Now that I have finally ditched my dinophone and entered the new millenium with my iPhone, who needs all the extras on a home phone? I know we don't. Anyone who really needs to get in touch with us has my cell phone number.

Clean out some of these toys around here. Some will go to the second-hand store. Others will go straight to Goodwill. I would really love to just give them to someone whose children could use them instead of take them to Goodwill where they will invariably be marked with prices that are way too high. Alas, I know no one who wants to take a bunch of this-n-that toys off our hands and finding a family with a true need would only add to my to-do list. Does that make me horrible for admitting I plan on taking the easy way out by making a drop at Goodwill?

Look into a research program I read about that provides children with autism an opportunity for socialization. Reiss is part of a social group already but this program is one that would provide him with socialization amongst children he has never met.

Enough of my to-do list. Just thinking about it and writing it all down wears me out.

If you are still reading, surely you are bored. Go on, now - head on over to Facebook and let all your friends know how bored you are.

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