Gymbucks redemption officially started today but most stores will allow redemption the day before the first official day and so I went last night to redeem mine before all the clearance racks were picked over. With my Gymbucks, I was able to get eighteen pieces of clothing for $82.53 That's an average of $4.59 per piece of clothing. See why I have to laugh when people say they can't afford Gymboree but yet they go and pay twice that amount for something elsewhere that is not as high-quality? Seriously....
So this morning I was rearranging all the Gymbo loot I got last night in Reiss' and Milla's closets and they were helping or rather, playing with all the clothes (a.k.a. unhanging them) on the lower rack faster than I could hang clothes on the top rack. In the far depths of the closet was a forgotten bin of stuffed animals.
I do not like stuffed animals. I repeat, I do not like stuffed animals.
I do not care for stuffed animals because they are little dust factories and safe harbors for all kinds of creepy crawly things and just not my favorite type of toy. Oh, and if they came from Goodwill, eeeuuuwww.....just EEEUUUWWW. If someone gives a Goodwill purchased stuffed critter to my children, those immediately get tossed in the Goodwill pile.
I am not a germaphobe but I know the kinds of things I have given to Goodwill - yes, I have occasionally been guilty of taking off a shirt and throwing it into the Goodwill pile without laundering it - and I also know there are people out there who are not nearly as clean in their daily habits as I am. So if I'll give an unlaundered shirt to Goodwill, what are people of less conscious level than I giving? I can't help but think that maybe someone's dog has peed on some of the stuffed animals before they made it to Goodwill or even more realistically thinking, by how many dirty mouths that stuffed lion or tiger or bear has been bitten or chewed. Oh my!
With the Gymboree loot stored and arranged by size (I have some clothes for Milla all the way up to size 6!), we pulled out the stuffed animals for a romp in the playroom.

The stuffed critter play session was part of this morning's festivities. Later on, in the early afternoon, we went to a friend's house and played with the kids there and swam in our friend's pool. Our friend has been doing this regularly schedule playdate and swimming for a few weeks now. We love it and they are so generous to share their home with us every week.
Reiss and Milla love the pool, which surprises me a little. Reiss takes awhile to warm up to anything new, no matter how fun it is or how much he likes it later. He loved the pool from almost the why won't he play in the sprinkler at home? He loves the pool and he loves to stand in the shower but can't stand when I put the kids' sprinkler on the hose. He's a tough nut to crack, for sure.
After swimming, we came home and had a snack and Milla was so tired she could barely walk. I hate to admit it but I sometimes think it's kinda funny when she gets that tired because she's like a little walking zombie. Don't get me wrong, I would never let her fatigue-induced stupor allow her to fall down or run into a wall....I'm just sayin' it is funny. Bellies satiated with tortilla chips and drinks, off to nap we went.
And that brings us to now. Reiss is snoring like an old man on the couch. Milla is asleep on my lap. She was in the chair but sat up wide awake so I let her nurse a little while and she is back to sleep again. I may have to move her, as now my leg is asleep too.
Reiss and Milla love the pool, which surprises me a little. Reiss takes awhile to warm up to anything new, no matter how fun it is or how much he likes it later. He loved the pool from almost the why won't he play in the sprinkler at home? He loves the pool and he loves to stand in the shower but can't stand when I put the kids' sprinkler on the hose. He's a tough nut to crack, for sure.
After swimming, we came home and had a snack and Milla was so tired she could barely walk. I hate to admit it but I sometimes think it's kinda funny when she gets that tired because she's like a little walking zombie. Don't get me wrong, I would never let her fatigue-induced stupor allow her to fall down or run into a wall....I'm just sayin' it is funny. Bellies satiated with tortilla chips and drinks, off to nap we went.
And that brings us to now. Reiss is snoring like an old man on the couch. Milla is asleep on my lap. She was in the chair but sat up wide awake so I let her nurse a little while and she is back to sleep again. I may have to move her, as now my leg is asleep too.
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