Reiss posing with the construction worker dude at the Children's Museum during our latest visit. By the way, if you ever make it to Indianapolis, this is a must-see attraction - with or without children. The Children's Museum of Indianapolis is the largest of its kind in the world.
Even divas sometimes take a break from playing for photo ops.

Reiss and Milla just swingin'.

They both look so serious....

Milla ready for a luau. James and I got these straw hats and flower leis at the Dollar Tree when we were out Sunday for our lunch date. We had to go there anyway, so we got these as a cheapy treat.

I love, love, LOVE this photo! It is one that shows how truly happy Reiss is most days - even when he won't show it for the camera.

On Sunday, James built a firepit in the woodsy part of our backyard. We had an impromptu wiener roast with our neighbors and their son who is Milla's age. In this photo, Reiss is learning how to hold the hotdog above the fire and not in the coals.

Not a bad photo of the four of us but...Ick! Like the circles under my eyes?

I don't know why but I got the urge to take some photos of Milla this morning before she woke.
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