“'This opens up the door to contamination of native species in the most important centre of origin [of maize] in the entire world,” said Elena Álvarez-Buylla, head of the Union of Scientists Committed to Society (UCCS).
And the UCCS isn’t alone. Earlier this month, at the third-ever Mexican Congress of Ecology held in Veracruz, scientists cautioned against the mingling of GM maize with non-GM varieties.
“'There are alternative technologies to address the non-GM maize shortage and loss of crops due to climate events,” said the group. “GM [crops] are not more resistant to droughts and plagues, and they threaten our food sovereignty.”
Amidst cries of “No to transgenic corn! Monsanto out of Mexico!” from the National Union of Regional Autonomous Campesino Organizations (UNORCA) eco-minded experts continue to demand government support of small-scale producers, communal landowners, and alternative technologies – not transgenics.

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