Parkinson’s Disease has been an issue of concern for Vietnam Veterans but the concern on pesticide (organophosphates) exposure and Gulf War Veterans should be tracked closely for rate of occurrence in the next generation of veterans.
It is through the pressure to get public data on veterans that we can get attention paid nationally and internationally on the illnesses of this next generation of veterans that needs the nation’s attention in a more timely manner.
An Early Step In Parkinson’s Disease: Problems With Mitochondri
“Our findings make a convincing and very intriguing case that dysregulation of mitochondrial DNA gene expression contributes to Parkinson’s,” Mao says.
Because disruptions in mitochondria have been linked to other neurodegenerative diseases and heart disease as well, Mao says probing MEF2D’s involvement in those disease processes may yield new insights.
NIH Study Finds Two Pesticides Associated With Parkinson’s Disease
New research shows a link between use of two pesticides, rotenone and paraquat, and Parkinson’s disease. People who used either pesticide developed Parkinson’s disease approximately 2.5 times more often than non-users.

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