Ever since Reiss was a
Robeez-sportin' little tyke, he has had a thing about shoes. We have been through many phases of shoe obsession. First, there were the few months in which he had to have his Robeez on whenever he walked around on the kitchen tile and entryway linoleum, which I am happy to report are both GONE from existence in our home. After the Robeez, Reiss had a different type of shoe - a brown pair that could be worn either for play or dressed up a bit. The brown shoes had to be on his feet at all times, by his insisting. He would not wear anything else and he had to wear them to bed as well.
Reiss has been through a few pairs of shoes in his nearly four years of life - only about three of which he has been in shoes. We don't usually put shoes on our children until they are around one year of age. Milla started a bit early though. Anyway - off and on - he has slipped back into wanting to have shoes on all the time. This isn't such a bad thing when you consider a lot of children pull their shoes off all the time, but it doesn't work out so well when you want to go bowling or say, to Bouncertown (or other similar places where there are bouncers for kids to jump on) or any other place where the rules are "No Shoes Allowed."
The latest phase of shoe fetish we have entered into is taking pictures of our shoes.....

Mommy's and Milla's shoes

Reiss's shoes propped up. And right behind them, a small peek of Daddy's shoe.

And totally unrelated to shoes, a close-up of Reiss. I really like this photo because it not only showcases his beautiful blue eyes, but also because he is smiling - not something we are able to catch on camera very often anymore. It's not that he doesn't smile - it's just that whenever Daddy or I bring out the camera, a tantrum usually ensues about Reiss not wanting his picture taken. Usually, I just point the camera at him anyway and tell him I'm taking a picture of something else near him and that takes care of the tantrum. Call me a bad mommy for lying but a mommy has to do what a mommy has to do to get her babies' toddler-hoods caught on film.
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